Advanced LIGO subsystems
are the organizational units of the overall project. Follow the links below to view the mission and progress of each subsystem.

Auxiliary Optics Core Optics
Data Acquisition Data and
Input Optics

Subsystem: Suspensions

Fused silica suspension fibers represent a key feature of the Advanced LIGO test mass suspensions. The suspensions are designed to minimise the motion at the test masses due to thermal noise and this is achieved by forming a monolithic final stage in the suspension in which the fibres and test masses are both made of silica - a material with low mechanical loss. To achieve the required seismic isolation the suspension consists of a quadruple pendulum which gives good horizontal isolation, and it incorporates three stages of maraging steel blade springs for vertical isolation. The overall isolation requirement is aimed at achieving a seismic wall at 10 Hz, in conjunction with the seismic isolation (SEI) subsystem to which the suspension is attached. The Advanced LIGO suspension is an extension of the design of the GEO-600 triple pendulum suspensions.

The suspensions form the interface between the seismic isolation subsystem and the suspended optics. As well as providing good passive isolation and low suspension thermal noise, the suspension design provides the means to control the orientation and position of the optic and also to damp the low frequency modes of the suspension. These functions must act without compromising the good thermal and seismic noise performance.

A variety of suspension designs are needed for the main interferometer and input conditioning optics. They are all based on the principle of a multiple pendulum, with two, three or four stages depending on the level of seismic isolation required.

      The fiber welding laser

    Test mass, arm cavity baffle in the rear

  Small triple installation

      End test mass

    Preparing a stage-three quad mass (penultimate mass)

  Fiber welding a test mass

      Resonance testing on beam splitter suspension

    Preparing an end reaction mass

  Preparing an end reaction mass

      Wire suspension loop clamp

    Livingston beam splitter

  Test mass compensation plate

      Test mass compensation plate

    Quad lower structure reaction chain masses

  Fiber welds on LHO inner test mass

      Quad & fold mirror suspensions

    Fiber suspensions on a quad

  Installing quad lower structure

      Fiber welding on a suspension at LASTI (MIT

    Fiber welding on a suspension at LASTI (MIT)

  Silica fibers bonded to "ears"

Additional Suspension Photos

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