Advanced LIGO subsystems
are the organizational units of the overall project. Follow the links below to view the mission and progress of each subsystem.

Auxiliary Optics Core Optics
Data Acquisition Data and
Input Optics

LIGO Public Outreach


LIGO offers an active public outreach program that provides an international view of the excitement of Advanced LIGO. Residents of the southern and northwestern portions of the U.S. can obtain a first-hand view of LIGO by visiting one of the Observatory sites. The Australian ACIGA Project and the German-British GEO600 Project are both partners in Advanceed LIGO and offer interesting visitor experiences near their facilities in Gingin, Australia and at the Albert Einstein Institute in Hannover, Germany. The LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC) continues to grow the international scope of its outreach, participating in exhibitions and festivals in several major U.S. and European urban centers in 2009 and 2010. Check the LSC Web site for LIGO news, summaries of recent technical papers and links to LSC Facebook and Twitter sites.

The LIGO Observatories in Hanford, WA and Livingston, LA invite you to visit their facilities. Each site has programs for students, teachers and the public. LIGO Livingston offers the Science Education Center filled with outstanding hands-on exhibits that bring LIGO science to life. Follow the links below for more information about each Observatory's public outreach programs.

LIGO Hanford Observatory (WA)

LIGO Livingston Observatory (LA)


Explore Advanced LIGO    Construction Schedule
   Instrumentation and Astrophysics
   An Overview of the Upgrades
   The International Partnership
   Science Impacts
   LIGO Technology Transfers
   LIGO Scientific Collaboration
   Public Outreach
   LIGO Magazine
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