Advanced LIGO subsystems
are the organizational units of the overall project. Follow the links below to view the mission and progress of each subsystem.

Auxiliary Optics Core Optics
Data Acquisition Data and
Input Optics

Subsystem: Input Optics

The Advanced LIGO Input Optics (IO) subsystem conditions and matches the light from the Pre-Stabilized laser to the Core Optics, applying phase modulation, and reducing the frequency, intensity, and geometric fluctuations in the process. The design requirements for the Advanced LIGO Input Optics Subsystem include the requirements for the RF modulation of the light, acquisition and operation of the mode cleaner, mode matching of the light to the interferometer, and beam steering into the interferometer. The University of Florida will provide the IO subsystem. The scope of the IO includes the following tasks and hardware:

      Working in HAM 3

    HAM 3 from the beam splitter

  HAM 4 installation

      HAM auxiliary suspensions

    HAM 2 optical table

  Power recycling mirror 3 in HAM 2

      HAM 2 optical table

    HAM 2 optical table

  Faraday awaiting final install

      Mode cleaner mirror 2

    Mode cleaner mirror 2

  Power recycling optic 3

      TGG crystal for Faraday isolator

    Faraday isolator magnets

  Faraday isolator before installation

      IO table in HAM2

    Mode cleaner optic suspension

  aLIGO Faraday isolator prep

      Polished mode cleaner mirrors

    Enhanced LIGO Faraday Isolator

  Engravings for small optics

Additional Input Optics Photos

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